Special Water FX
Making the rain effects for the SA Railways Horse Power commercial was a very special achievement for us. Working alongside horses and their trainers, being mindful of sudden moves or noises gave us a new perspective on filming with animals. The commercial was filmed in Perth and South Australia and we were required to supply […]
This student short film was written and directed by Christopher Frey. Christopher required a 50m stretch of continuous rain for a rider on a bicycle. Don, with a bit of ingenuity, achieved this goal, the effect was amazing and the film went on to win awards. Synopsis: After the death of young Henette’s mother, a […]
Working on several Western Power television commercials over many years for their Public Safety Winter Campaign has tested our ability to provide rain effects whether on the ground or working at heights. Our roles can involve an all day or night shoot up and down scissor lifts and making winter rain over an expansive area […]
Storm World was a mini TV series for children filmed all over the world. Don was contracted to supply the rain effects and create a water geyser effect during filming in Perth Western Australia.Don spent many hours designing and creating the equipment for the geyser as there was nothing available in Perth that met the […]